Stressed? Me?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

We were celebrating my journey Monday when my husband thought he’d check on me. He asked, ‘are you stressed?’ I said, ‘what do you mean stressed?’ He said ‘I mean, are you stressing out about finishing losing the weight?’ I thought it was nice of him to ask this question. I told him if I was stressing the weight probably would not be coming off as it has. Every time I’m under stress to lose weight I don’t. It just hasn’t happened in 28 years. Let me prove how cool I am.
Remember I hosted a housewarming last weekend, right? I ate a brownie or two. I ate several cheese balls with crackers (I actually planned on doing that because they are a delicious source of calcium). I drank punch (that was really tasty. We made it with cranberry juice, ginger ale and crystal light). The day after the party, I ate another brownie. I knew that wasn’t on my best interesting but the danado tasted great. I shook the dusk off and tried again. I went back to legumes, rice, oatmeal and all of that good stuff. Today I ate a pear like it was 10 times better than that brownie (which it really was). No stress. I just got back to my routine.
I kicked stress out of my life when it comes to weight with God’s help. My God loves me. I love myself and my husband loves me for who I am. Of course I’m gonna reach my goal while enjoying life every step of the way.
I have decided I don’t believe in prohibited foods. I believe in freedom of choice.
My daddy came to visit us yesterday. He told me I’ve done a remarkable job by losing weight. He said ‘this thing of being on a diet needs to stop.’ He speaks by experience because he lost 80 pounds himself by making different food choices while driving his truck throughout the country. It’s great to have wonderful role models. I thank God for Zeke's support and investment in my health. I thank God for His guidance through this journey. Stressed? Not Cintia.