Mindful Challenge: Conclusion

Thursday, March 1, 2012

When I started the Mindful Challenge, all I wanted to do was to stop making excuses not to be a blessing to people. I realized that the Bible doesn't make exceptions to busy people such as myself, so I set out to get out of my way in order to be mindful. Here are three things I learned:
1 • There are many opportunities to be mindful out there. Once I decided to set my mind to be a blessing, I started seeing lots of opportunities. The good thing was that I never got a complaint about the opportunities I took, people were actually happy and receptive.
2 • It was not always comfortable. Some of the things I needed to do only seemed inconvenient because I was still working with a level of selfishness. The Mindful Challenge exposed some ugly things God wanted to show me about myself. The big lesson was: my character needs to match the character of God in everything I do. He's a giving God.
3 • People are hungry and thirsty for you to bless them. This month I noticed that while most people might pretend they don't need any good thing from me, kind words are always appreciated. I once heard a preacher say: "I'm not 'high maintenance' but I'm not 'no maintenance' either." I know so many people who fit this description. One thing is for sure, they all appreciate words of kindness and encouragement. I also need to be a student of them so I'll know exactly how to bless them.
The Mindful Challenge ended up being a 29-day experiment (I forgot how long the month was) I plan to extend off-line for the rest of the year. What about you? I'd love to hear what you've learned about being Mindful of others.
Raquel said...

Oi Cintia...tudo bem? Para variar sempre passando no seu blog. AMOOOOO
Deus te abencoe.