Houston Marathon Training Week 11

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

10 days to go folks. Glory be to God, we are so close to start and finish the Houston Marathon! I appreciate your prayers. 
The winter finally hit us. I've been running in the cold this last week. Here is a photo of one of those cold runs. If you could only feel the wind! It was beautiful tough. 

The road to the marathon is not flawless. Last year I missed the last run because I had a sinus infection. This time around I had another infection but glory be to God I'm feeling well and staying healthy. I'm drinking lots of water (got a new bottle), getting a lot of rest and my plan for the week before the marathon is set. I'm trying something new this year, I'll tell you about it next week. 
I haven't weighed myself for at least 3 weeks. I know I gained some weight during the holidays but I've been keeping up with my training. I'm covering the mileage and my splits are looking good. The biggest challenge I have is to have a strong mental game. I'll be honest and say that I really need to focus on that these last 10 days. With God's help I will reach my goal. 
This training season flew by! I have been tempted to look around in desperation to see what's left. Here are the facts: 
• with God's help I joined a faster training group which improved my performance; 
• I successfully completed a Fall Marathon in Chicago; 
• I became more experienced as a runner as I overcame different challenges such as training in the heat of the Texas summer;
• God has been my very present Help. It would be impossible to do what I do if it wasn't for Him;
• I reviewed a hotel and a cruise service in Chicago thanks to God and to marathon running!

We are starting a new year and I choose to believe that 2015 is filled with possibilities. So here I stand, looking forward with hope in my amazing God.

Previously in this Series:
Houston Marathon 2015 Week 10
• Houston Marathon 2015 Week 9
Houston Marathon 2015 Week 8
• Houston Marathon 2015 Week 7
Houston Marathon 2015 Week 6
• Houston Marathon 2015 Week 5
Houston Marathon 2015 Week 4
• Houston Marathon 2015 Week 3
 Houston Marathon 2015 Week 2

• Houston Marathon 2015 Week 1
• Chicago Marathon 2014
• Houston Marathon 2014