Desire versus Ability

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Today, you have been lived in the current year for 162 days. How do I know that? Thanks to my handy One Year Bible reading plan.  We are rapidly approaching the second half of the year and it feels good to have accomplished a couple of things. This morning's reading was great and the above Bible verse really spoke to me. In this verse, Solomon was praying as he was celebrating the completion of the temple. I love the word usage here: "May he give us the desire to do his will..." Having the ability to do something without the desire to do it is quite useless. 
This morning as I went for my run, I meditated in this verse as it relates to my own running. I have the ability to run. I was born with it. I ran as a kid and at some point, I stopped. As an adult, I rediscovered my love for running. You see, my ability never left me, my desire did. In all honesty, I don't get up every morning saying 'boy I really have the desire to run in this humidity.' Instead, I wake up with a made up mind. The run is going to happen because I have a greater goal in mind: I run so I can be a healthier wife and mother. I run so I can avoid preventable diseases. 
Ability + desire + made up mind. 
My prayer is the same one that Solomon prayed long ago. I do want the desire and the made up mind to do God's will in everything and to obey all that God has told me to do in His Word. 
Here is my view during my run this morning. Pretty hum? 
Alright. I feel like I should say an official prayer to close us out.
God, give us the desire to do your will and obey you in everything we do. Give us the insatiable desire to know you better through your Word. Thanks for loving us and having our best in mind, always. In Jesus' name, Amen.