Stuff I Can't Say

Friday, August 28, 2015

I once met a person who had an anonymous blog. She would write the good, bad and ugly about her life while her friends and families were oblivious to it. I’m not sure if she still does it anonymously but I found the concept intriguing. Don’t worry, I don’t have an anonymous blog but I wonder what I would blog about if I could spill all my guts online.

I can’t help but think that I still would like to be helpful to you. I think I would talk about how to manage a good relationship with people I necessarily don’t like. Yes, I’m required to love people but I’m not required to like every person on the planet. And yes, liking someone makes it easier to love them. At the same time, I’m yet to meet someone who likes EVERYONE in the world.

I think I would blog about my latest rant. I’m not known to rant on social media, so that would be interesting. In order to be helpful, I think I would talk about my decision making process on “to rant or not to rant.”

I would talk about my hair. Sigh. I would talk about different reactions different people have to it. I might talk about the process of getting it presentable to the world. If the deal is to be helpful this might not be a good subject because there are a million natural hair experts out there. Oh, I would also talk about the time I organized a natural hair event when I was perming my hair.

Here is another thing I would probably talk about: my latest business idea. I keep a file of different ideas that actually would help humanity. In the spirit of having a box delivered to our door each month with product samples, I’d talk about a service that would deliver a great dose of attitude adjustment to the person of your choosing. It would deliver a trial size of kindness, patience, joy, modesty and self-control. I would also like to see a monthly supply of hope in that box. I know, crazy but you have no idea how many times I woke up and I wish I had that stuff automatically going for me.

Last but not least, I would talk about the challenges I face in friendships. I do blog about this subject often and I try to only talk about it in a redeeming way. I choose not to talk about current challenges because I feel that I am still living it out and learning from it.

The main reason I keep stuff unsaid, it’s my choice to live a transparent life. I choose to believe that through my transparency, Christ’s light can shine brighter. Like most human beings I face many challenges but my choice of processing them in a helpful and productive way can serve the purpose of helping others.

Vomiting my complaints online will never help anyone. Sharing them in a safe, trustful atmosphere is the way to go.

I guess I might never say a lot of things but I’ll pay that price in exchange for greater significance.