40 days

Saturday, November 21, 2015

89% Of this year is gone. While we can't do anything about it, we can live the next 40 days with purpose and passion. I want to encourage you to set aside time to write down your 2016 goals. I also want to encourage you to come up with a list of things you can do in order to put purpose into the end of 2015. Here is my list:

  1. Finish reading the Bible in one year (I use the YouVersion App)
  2. Call family who lives far away
  3. Connect with friends I haven't talked to in a long time 
  4. Write in my journal 
  5. Write down my goals for 2016 
  6. Review my goals for 2015 
  7. Find daily ways to be Thankful to God and others 
  8. Organize that space that's driving me nuts!
  9. Write Christmas letters to my children
  10. Take a family photo
  11. Send Christmas cards to friends and family 
  12. Bake a for my family
  13. Get lemons out of the lemon tree 
  14. Volunteer for a charity near my heart 
  15. Run
  16. Teach my kids a new Christmas hymn or two 
  17. Have a great attitude when others are stressed out 
  18. Put a smile on someone's face 
  19. Give out sincere compliments to others 
  20. Encourage my husband and children
  21. Rest 
  22. Pray for those who are suffering in this happy season
  23. Get to know my city better
  24. Listen to someone closely 
  25. Call an elderly family member and connect with them 
  26. Tell my children stories of my childhood
  27. Honor family traditions with my immediate family 
  28. Forgive those who have wronged me and let go of that pain
  29. Help friend
  30. Practice generosity with my time 
  31. Laugh a lot 
  32. Let go of frustrations from the past 
  33. Encourage a young person with my words 
  34. Honor and obey my husband 
  35. Bless my children 
  36. Practice creativity 
  37. Never lose hope 
  38. Spend less time starring at a screen 
  39. Invest in my health by eating the best nutrition for my calories 
  40. Live what I believe 
 • How will you put purpose into these last 40 days of 2015?