The True Gift on Valentine's Day

Friday, February 12, 2016

First events sometimes set a precedent for what's to come. My first Valentine's Day with Zeke was 12 years ago. I was a working graduate student who didn't have a lot of extra cash so I gave what I had: a homemade gift and a meal. We still remember that day with fondness.

I don't have the tendency to think back and remember presents I received during such occasions. I prefer to remember togetherness and quality time. No, I'm not anti-gift. I think they add to every festive occasion but more valuable than that is the person who is on the other side of the gift. They're the true gift.
I strive to make my husband and kids feel that way. Oh, you know I fail sometimes but I keep trying. The days outside of Valentine's Day are important too. I can give my undivided attention to really listen and encourage. I can make him feel the true gift he is through the simple, yet important acts of service that mean so much to him.
I believe that love is a decision. The greatest ones are made in the days outside of Valentine's Day. But to have a chance to celebrate the one I love is always so cool.
Now that we have kids we get to model what the holiday is all about. The kids think it's about them getting candy from their friends (so funny). They are also convinced that it's about having a special family breakfast with a decorated table and a special meal together (so true). I hope that as they reach back to the archives of their childhood memories, they see that it was about letting them know they are loved and celebrated all the time.

Whether you are single (read my letter to my Single Friends here) or married, remember that God loves you and He sees you as the valuable person you are. You are a true gift, created by God for awesome things.