Holiday Recovery Plan

Monday, November 28, 2016

Have you thought about how much recovery time you will need from the last holiday? You prepared faithfully for it. You cleaned, cooked, went to the store and bought it ready. You got the tickets, traveled, sat through political conversations fresh out of an election year. You need to recover.

I’m not proposing that you drop out of life and fly to Rio (tough I wish I could fly to Brazil for a few days). I am proposing that you take some time to reconnect with yourself through rest and relaxation. Instead of jumping into your Christmas list like a mad person, you may want to spend that time quietly reading your favorite magazine. I opted for giving myself a mani and a pedi. Somehow, life is just better after I do that. I also went to the gym and exercised for 40 minutes. I found that my to-do list was still there as well as the problems I had prior to going the gym. If things aren’t going to magically change, I might as well be rested, you feel me?

This recovery from the holiday thing is for intro and extroverts. Can you use some recovery time? I bet you do. We need to be faithful to this because we help our homes and our families recover before we help ourselves. We simply can’t give what we don’t have. The only way to usher peace this advent season is to be at peace ourselves.

It doesn’t take much  my friend. Okay, I hear you just worked 9 hours non-stop and people kept putting stuff on your plate. The more reason to recover! Be extra good to yourself and do something that will help you feel refreshed. I know you can think of something that can help you relax and recover.

Remember that you don’t have to participate in the frantic pace of the holiday season. So what if commerce seems to be freaking out about getting in the black? Keep your peace. It is during times like these that I think the message of Jesus is needed and welcome in my heart. He is the Prince of Peace and peace is just what I need in order to keep marching towards all the things the Christmas holiday brings.