Closed Doors

Friday, June 23, 2017

The hardest part of waiting of God is the challenge of closed doors.
What do closed doors really mean? It depends on who closed it and what’s inside.

If my father closed a door in our house in Brazil and told us not to enter it, I was inclined to respect it. He taught us obedience and honor so the act of not opening the door was programmed in me. I also knew about consequences. The door was going to remain closed if it was up to me.

When I visited a dear friend recently, she told me not to open a small door close to her kitchen. Her new dog was there and I was more than happy to comply with that closed door. The closed door served a purpose, no matter how curious my children were about the dog. I’m not a dog person and I didn’t want to deal with the anxiety of having a large dog around. The dog was carefully kept inside thus he and I could be safely happy in opposite sides of the handle.

I refuse to look at closed doors with stirring emotions attached to it. In a spiritual sense, some have tendency to think that multiple closed doors are the knuckle’s fault. Emotions are allowed to happen but they can’t be the determining factor for closed doors. Either the Father closed the door or He is keeping me from opening it for a good reason.

Friends, the number of closed doors is not as important as finding the one door that will open. My job is to knock. I will keep knocking, even if my knuckles get a little tired and my resemblance a little pale. He who called me is faithful and He will show me which door will open. I just have to keep on knocking.