Celebrating Grandparents Day when they live out of Town

Friday, September 22, 2017

Today was Grandparents Day at the kids school. Out of all days we celebrate, this one is quite sad when you don't have family nearby. One of my friends on Facebook was sharing recently how sad her son was because his grandparents were not going to be able to be at Grandparents day. I sent her virtual hugs and the affirmation that I can totally understand. 

In the past, when the kids were too little we just didn't do anything about it. When they grew up a bit more, we asked different friends to step in and celebrate this day with the kids. We are always thankful to God for people who love us like family and step in to love on the kids. I'm always reminded of Matthew 19:29 when God blesses us with grandparents for the kids. It says, "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life." 

When my first one was born, our family was not in town, so God sent me Roma to walk up and down the hospital hallway with me, pray for me and hold Zion before I did (the anesthesia was strong, I couldn't feel my arms). I see her as my "hundredfold." God has sent many others and I praise God for these awesome servants of His. 

This year, I decided to go to Grandparents' Day myself because since I went back to work and school's been back (for the second time), I haven't been to the school yet. I somehow, had the brilliant idea to call my mom from the school's cafeteria so the kids could talk to her. She was available and so happy to hear from her grandkids! Win win! 

I want to send some special encouragement to my friends out there whose parents live far away from them. Special school celebrations can be tough but with God's help we can creatively enjoy them with our sweet kids. 

Today is the first day of Fall and while it is hot as summer, I have decorated the house to celebrate. Next time I will share our favorite Fall traditions here at the Listenbee Household. 

Have an amazing day my friend!