Transition Essentials

Monday, April 16, 2018

I'm not where I want to be but thank God I'm not where I once was. I'm in transition.
Transition is an uncomfortable place in life. You and I have been there: we are the middle of a house move, about to change jobs or simply watching your kids grow.

The good thing about transitions is that there are essential things you can do make it easier.

• Remember transitions won't last - last summer my husband was job searching for 5 months. It was one of the most challenging transitions we've had together. In the midst of my uncertainty, I learned to rely on the brevity of transitions. Transitions are intense, yet brief. The simple thought that they would not last brought me comfort.

• Do the Next Right Thing - the intensity of transitions can drive us crazy. Remember to focus only on the day ahead of you. If you feel your mind fill up with big decisions, choose to do the next right thing. During those uncertain summer months, I found a great Podcast with that name (The Next Right Thing). This concept has helped me focus on what I really have: today. God always takes care of tomorrow so I can relax and enjoy today.

• Find a Friend - transitions have the power to make us vulnerable and friends are there to help. I learned that I needed a person close to me. Someone I could reach out to in person and on the phone. When my burdens were too heavy, I found comfort in my friend. When I felt disillusion, I found that a friend will embrace you with words of assurance - as well as with a real hug. The worse thing you can do during transition is to post about it online. The best thing you can do if find "your person" and reach out to them when you need.

 The only one who can get you out of transition is God Himself. He knows the end from the beginning. He cares about you and trust me, He has hidden secret gifts for you to find in your season of transition.

My secret gift was trust. I developed a greater trust in God's power and personality. No one can take away the secret gift I received from God, thanks to this transition.

Even if you are not in transition, remember to carry your essentials with you when you do find yourself there. Remember, transitions do not last. You can do the next right thing and you can friend a friend. 
Last week on the blog I wrote an essay about singing. I've been singing in public for 32 years. I recently learned that I have much room to grow. 
• Singing

My weight loss series continues. I'm 11 lbs down and I have 28 to go. You can reach the current post and find the archives here:
• Weight Watchers: new normal

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