6 Frugal Summer Activity Ideas for Kids

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Summers are for connecting. I take joy in connecting with family and this year we enjoying Camp Listenbee for the 8th summer. My theory is, even if you have one kid, you are running a summer camp when school is out!

Today I want to offer six ways of connecting with your children. Connection doesn’t cost any money. You can be confident that my suggestions will be frugal and they will add a lot of fun for the entire family.

Public Library Reading Challenge - we participate in this challenge every year. Although all my children are readers, we will continue to read out loud together. The kids enjoy going to the library and reading new stories. I signed up as an adult reader. I can always use more reading time this summer.

that time we hit up the taco truck outside of a construction site!

Splash Pad
- If your town has a splash pad, take the kids to it. We’ve been blessed to have several. I remember taking them to the splash pad on days I didn’t want to get wet. I ended up seeing a good friend out there and getting much needed hug and conversation.

thank you pinterest!

Art Projects - I don’t think I’m artistic but my kids enjoy art projects. The projects do not have to be complex. I get all my ideas from Pinterest. Check out my Summer ideas board. As far as supplies, I went to the Goodwill and I scored a large amount for a great price. A teacher must have cleaned out her closet! Her trash, my treasure. The dollar store also has great art supplies.

Cow Appreciation Day - Chick-fil-a’s greatest day of the year: get a free meal if you dress like a cow. We’ve been doing this every summer and we love it! I outdid myself last year. I made the kids’ costumes and they looked fabulous! I need to start planning their outfits for this year.

Vacation Bible School -VBS is the highlight of our summer. I see VBS as a time for the kids to learn about our Christian faith in a tangible and exciting way.

That time I taught my kids to swim. 

Summer activity Coop
- I believe that when moms help moms, everyone wins. I’m really good at preschool (and regular school) music. I have friends with different God-given talents. A summer activity coop is the place where we help each other by sharing our talents. We can take turns teaching the kids or we can all get together and do a little bit at a time. It’s about building bridges and connecting. Oh, you work full-time like I do? You can have coop after work and on weekends. Creativity rules in this situation.

I hope you are ready to connect with your kids. Connection doesn’t cost money but it does require intentionality.