Fashion Daily

Saturday, November 10, 2018

I'm amazed at how my sense of fashion changes every year.
During my stay-at-home mom years, I lived in exercise clothes but I dressed up on weekends (because, church).
Once I became a working mom, I retired my tights and business casual was the way to go.

Each job I had required a different type of dress code. I'm thankful there was always room for creativity and comfort.

This year, I was blessed with a new job and I realized that again, I had a chance to establish my sense of fashion.

I enjoy being comfortable. I also enjoy dressing up on occasion. My fashion choices for 2018 have reflected these two facts.

Another thing I've enjoyed in 2018 are trips to the thrift store. My job changed allowed me to find a new area of shops. It's been great finding frugal treasures there.

Last weekend, I found a bunch of clothes on clearance for $2. I couldn't be happier. I also found comfy shoes. Thrifting has been great. Oh, I also maintain the one in one out rule. If one piece of clothing comes in, we need to donate (or sell) something else.

My fashion goal is to represent my God and my family well. I will never be a fashion model but I model my Lord Jesus everywhere I go. Okay, I am a model for my kids. They watch me and we often talk about fashion.

The most important fashion accessory I have is a confident and modest heart.