The Easy Delivery

Friday, January 20, 2012

"...encourage each other every day, as long as it's called "today"..." Hebrews 3:13
I have always loved writing letters. I was surprised to see how many I used to receive in middle and high school. When I met a person, I'd ask for their address so I could write them and keep in touch. I remember receiving letters 6 days a week. The digital age made life easier but the letters started to cease. I now get mostly cards for Christmas and my birthday. If I get a letter it's because there is something REALLY wrong. How sad! Letters were not only a way to keep in touch but also a way to encourage people. We human beings are so creative that we came up with other ways to do it. The digital age has not made our need for encouragement diminish but it has made the delivery of encouragement easier.
My friend Rachel and I keep in touch through social media, Skype and the ole telephone. She sent me a card yesterday and it made my day. It was totally unexpected and it was so very encouraging. It made me think of Hebrews 3:13 because "Today" is all we have. The moment we think about a person, it's our sign to deliver encouragement, however we choose to do it. Who knows if our words may be the life line a person needs for that day?
Whether you choose to send an encouraging tweet, a quick message on Facebook or a long e-mail, remember to take action as soon as someone comes to your mind. Do pray but follow up with action, even if it's to say 'I prayed for you, hope you're having a blessed day.'
My challenge for you is to encourage 3 people today: family, friends or strangers (these are a lot of fun to encourage). The good thing about encouragement is that you reap what you sow, usually when you need the most.
Unknown said...

Great post, Cintia! Thanks for encouraging me as well! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Nicki Woo said...

So true! What an uplifting message. I am so bad about thinking of someone and then waiting too
long to tell them I love them, miss them, or wish them well. I'm going to take your advice
and start reacting ASAP. So nice meeting you last night! Hope to see you again soon!

Cintia Listenbee said...

@Rachel - love you my friend!
@Nicki - thanks so much for reading! it was so nice to meet you, I'll be following your blog & can't wait to see you again as well!