Chocolate & Strawberries!

Friday, August 8, 2008

I see weight management as a journey. You take one step at the time. You stat with a lot of baggage but by the power of God you get lighter and lighter along the way because of freedom. I started my journey with tons of baggage, mostly mental. I feel like a totally different person and I’m still changing and improving with God’s help. This week I remember that it is important not to compare myself with other people who are also trying to lose weight. I am to be an encourager but never be jealous of the progress of others. It’s important to respect people and love them always.
This week I also enjoyed walking, running and always listening to my body. I recognized that exercise is part of my life to stay and that my body asks for it in a way. Awesome!
In the food department, I’ve been working on not eating a lot too late. It just feels better to go to bed not being stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey.
Oh, we’re having friends (more like family) over for dinner tonight. We’re preparing our specialty: BRAZILIAN FOOD! Rice, Black beans, farofa, salpicao (the vegetarian type) and my husband made the chicken. Everyone but me will eat the chicken but I’m sure it will be delicious! Guess what we are having for dessert? Chocolate covered strawberries!!! I made them! Can you believe it? The last time I made anything with chocolate like that was 14 years ago during my sister’s 15th birthday celebration (it’s a big deal in Brasil). I don’t know who came up with the idea for chocolate covered strawberries, but GOD BLESS THEM! Why this dessert? I thought it would be healthier than cake or pie. I also thought about making pudim de leite (like a flan but BETTER) but that would be too taste specific. The other neat thing is that the chocolate is Swiss. I mixed dark chocolate with semi sweet. It was very easy to make, so when I start catering (what a dream) that will be on my stylish menu. Awesome!
The weather has been gorgeous. Too hot for some but perfect for me. The weather has been perfect for photos! My friend Rachel posted a few photos I took of her on her fabulous blog. I had a lot of fun! I love taking photos and I hope to have more time to do it. I got some cool photos of butterflies this week. They seem to be everywhere doing their thing.
I’m looking forward to reading, watching movies and enjoying being at home this weekend besides getting that weekly mani and pedi. A girl needs to be dolled up! Have an awesome weekend.

Goals for the week!
* Train for 5K (3 times); 1 to go!
* Walk (3 times); 0 to go!
* Get protein and dairy daily;
* Write in food journal;
* Treat myself for achieving goals.