Baby Shower - Cha de Bebe

Monday, April 6, 2009

We have 32 days til May 8th! Wow, this pregnancy is going by really fast! So, we were blessed with a baby shower last Saturday. Hope you enjoy the photos! We did it as we would in our Christian tradition in Brazil. We started with a worship service where there was singing, a devotional, prayers for the parents and baby and the party where we ate and fellowshipped with everyone. There were so many friends and family there, it was awesome to see everyone! We were blessed with so many things, my son shall not want! God is good. Now, on to the finish line where we get to see him. It will be worth it all!

Nos temos 32 dias ate dia 8 de Maio! Nossa, essa gravidez esta passando bem rapido! Nos tivemos o cha de bebe no Sabado passado. Espero que gostem das fotos! Nos tivemos o cha de bebe de acordo com a nossa tradicao crista no Brasil. Nos comecamos com um culto, teve louvor, uma devocional e oracao pelos pais e pelo bebe, dai tivemos a festa com confraternizacao com todo mundo. Tinha bastante familia e amigos la, foi muito bom ver todo mundo! Nos fomos abencoados com muitos presentes, nada faltara para o nosso filho! Deus e muito bom. Agora e so esperar ate o dia do nascimento. Tudo vai valer apena!