Women of Faith Giveaway

Friday, October 15, 2010

All women, no matter their stage in life, could get a little encouragement. Women of Faith is a faith-based women's organization that does just that. I'm gonna get some MEGA encouragement by attending one of their events this year with a couple of friend girls and so can you! Enter to win 2 free seats to any of the remaining Women of Faith events!

Mandatory Entry:
• Tell me about your stage in life (motherhood, empty nester, college student, etc) and how a Women of Faith event would help your life journey. Also, tell me which event you'd like to attend and who is the friend you'd take with you.

For extra entries: 
1. "Like" Women of Faith on Facebook
2. Follow Women of Faith on Twitter

Participation into this giveaway indicates you accept the rules and guidelines stated here. Open to US Residents only. The winner will receive (2) free seats to any of the remaining Women of Faith events; the winner will be responsible for their own travel and lodging costs. The winner, chosen via random.org, will be announced on Friday, October 22 at 5 p.m. Eastern. The announced winner has 48 hours to contact SimplyCintia.com or a runner-up will be chosen.
Karen said...

Thank you for offering the 2 free tickets to Women of Faith. I didn't get to go this year in Portland, OR, because of financial constraints. But I would love to go with my newly pregnant daughter who lives close to Seattle. We could drive up for the Friday nite program, stay at her home that nite, and then drive up again on Saturday for the rest of the program. She's never been to a WOF program and I'd love to introduce her to those lovely, godly women!
I've been in the empty nest season of life for 10 years and still married to my husband of 32 years. Every time I've been to a WOF conference, I've learned something that God wants me to learn about that season. I look forward to the possibility of that again, this time with my 28 year old daughter. blessings on your day, Cintia!

Karen said...

P.S. for my last comment: I found you on blogfrog and am following your blog. Loved the post about things to do with and for a new baby. I get to be a grandma in about 7 months, so I need reminders!

Karen said...

Sorry it took me 3 comments to get this all said! I'm going to have comments emailed to me.

Alizah Joy said...

Well Im a freshman in college(nursing) and I just got baptized a year ago Oct.17. College as you may know can be really hectic and has ALOT of distractions, and like you said I need some encouragement. There is so much going on in my life & I feel like the devil is really trying to get me to take my eyes off God. I feel like this would be a great opportunity to get re connected with God. I would be going to the event in Duluth Ga since I stay in Atl.Me and my bestest friend in the whole wide world would be going with me...MY MOMMY who would L.O.V.E this.

Alizah Joy said...

Im also following on twitter truly_blessed1 & "liked" on fb GRACIAS

Natalia said...

I am a mom , I would love to go to Hartford Ct..I will go with y aunt. Right now in my church I start with a group of womens and I am helping in the activities.thanks