New eBook

Monday, February 14, 2011

I am so thankful to God for the opportunity to write my first eBook. Watch the video announcement and share it with your friends. You can purchase your copy of Tweeting with God here. Today I am the guest blogger at be sure to read it for an exclusive post. There's more blogger love at today! Thanks for sharing this happy day with me!

kym said...

I am looking forward to reading this! Thanks for giving me a tool to use Tweeting to share my faith!

Lu Francesa said...

Oi amiga! :)
Só não comento nos posts pq não entendo inglês, então não sei do q se tratar rs


Cintia Listenbee said...

vou escrever mais em português, prometo :)

Ak said...

Congratulations Cintia!

Cintia Listenbee said...

thank you Kym & Alissa!

Unknown said...

You are an insrpiration Cintia to me..Thank you so much for helping me, in more ways than one. You know when you write these blogs, you really are touching peoples lives. And congrats on your ebook!

Cintia Listenbee said...

thank you so much for the love Vicki! YOU bless me so much just for being who YOU are! Love you.