Although my previous pregnancies brought about secret wishes of having a VBAC, I am now totally comfortable with having a third c-section. If you know you are headed that way or you just want to learn about the bright side of things, check out these 3 Lessons I learned learned:
1. The Beautiful End Result - whether emergency or scheduled, remember the process you are going through brings about the beautiful result of new life. Your 9 months of pregnancy culminate into the moment you see the faces of your children. Remembering my goal of seeing my baby was a key way to stay encouraged about having the process of a c-section. 2. I'm no Super Hero - Once baby is here, mom needs to recover. The thing is that those motherly instincts kick in like crazy and all of a sudden you want to grab a cape and fly to save the whole world while you breastfeed. I can tell you by experience that it sucks not to feel like yourself but doing what it takes means you won't have to delay the process. So recover well my friend.
3. Help: Asking and Accepting - I left the hospital with pages of instructions on how to successful recover at home. Engaging in home cleaning, cooking and lifting a 18-month-old were out of the map for a couple of weeks. I desperately needed help. During my first c-section God sent us our church family to help with everything we needed. During my second one my mother was there. I noticed that if a woman seems "too self-sufficient," people will shy away from being hands-on to help. Whatever your personality is, make it work for you when asking for help. Make a list of things you need so when people call you can tell them to pick up an item at the store or clean a room for you. One things is for sure, accepting help enables you to save your strength for your precious newborn and to recover. Asking and Accepting Help is a sign of Strength.
I pray that these tips helped you get a better idea of what happens during and after you have a c-section. For more details, read my Birth Stories at my Pregnancy Page. The joy of having a new baby supersedes anything you might go through those 9 months before you see your baby for the first time. Enjoy your new baby and be well!
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