I often start the year with fast and prayer. My church for example started 31 days of prayer this month where we are all encouraged to fast (however we chose) and pray. For the past 4 years I haven't been able to fast in the traditional sense of the word (abstain from food) because I'm often pregnant. I still feel the need to connect with God in a deeper way so what I do is to search the Scriptures to find out what real fasting is all about and how I can apply it to my life. If you read Isaiah 58:6-11 you get a great picture of the fast God has chosen. Even when I am not expecting and able to do a more traditional fast, I keep this amazing reminder in front of me. The great news for pregnant women and people who can't abstain for food is that some of these things don't require abstinence from eating. Here's verse 7 in the New King James Version:
"Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out;
When you see the naked, that you cover him,
And not hide yourself from your own flesh?" Isaiah 58:7 (NKJV)
"Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out;
When you see the naked, that you cover him,
And not hide yourself from your own flesh?" Isaiah 58:7 (NKJV)
What if we decide to feed the hungry during this month? What if we decide to give clothes to families who need new clothes but can't afford them? What if we take this time of fasting to reconcile with our own families? Pregnancy has indeed encouraged me to feel that I can still search the scriptures and do what God requires of all of us. Pregnancy is a different and sensitive season of life as I explain in my eBook Tweeting with God. It is a season where God gently guides us to still waters and I am thankful. If you can't fast for some reason, please don't feel discouraged. Search the Scriptures and pray about how you can connect with God as you start the year you give birth. I'm going to giveaway a copy of my eBook to a reader who answers the question of the day. The winner will be chosen by random.org.
Question of the day: Did/Do you feel discouraged for not being able to fast while pregnant? Did you find an alternative to fasting? What was it?
Olha, você e outras meninas me inspiraram a criar o meu blog. Passe lá e veja o meu primeiro post. Espero que goste.
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