Sunday Seven

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Summer is for (more) reading. I refuse to believe that I can’t cut down on TV and mindless browsing and substitute it with reading. Ha! Here are 7 books that I would love to read this summer. I think I have one out of 7 so if you want to go to my Amazon Wish List and send these to my Kindle I’ll love you forever.

1. The Holy Spirit: an Introduction by John Bevere - I love to learn more about the Person of the Holy Spirit. I appreciate the ministry of John Bevere and when I heard he wrote this book
, I thought I’d read it because it will really help me get a better perspective of God in me.  

2. Good or God? by John Bevere - this book, also by John Bevere, is so relevant for today. Here is a video preview of the book.

3. Get your Hopes up by Joyce Meyer - The goal of is to spread Hope online, one post at a time. I can always get a deeper understanding of Hope and I believe this book will give me just that. I can’t give what I don’t have, so getting more hope from God will make my presence more effective.

4. Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall - This book really helped me in my forgiveness walk. I held unforgiveness for 7 difficult years and God used this book to finish the forgiveness work He started in me. I no longer have my book because I gave it away but I have recently talked about this book with a friend. I noticed that the kindle edition is only $2.99 because I purchased my original copy from Amazon (sweet!). Seriously, if you are tired of being tied down by unforgiveness and grudges, this book will help you let go simply because of God’s Word.

5. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg - I heard several leadership Podcasters mention this book. I’m a habits person and anything that can encourage me to build good habits it’s worth reading. This also seems like a quick read.  

6. David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell - I’ve had this book on my mental to-read list for a while. I am hoping to get to it this summer.  

7. The Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards - the only novel in my list. No, I’m not a fiction reader but I will read maybe one a year so this is it. Interesting fact: this is the only book I currently have in my possession because I found it on a yard sale for $0.25. I heard a few good reviews about it on NPR so I figured it was worth the read.

• What are you reading this summer? Now that you can see what I like, do you have any book suggestions for me?