The Qualitative part of Goals

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

We’re a few days away from the official start of summer, which means it’s time to reassess my goals. I took a different approach to goal setting this year: I took at time assessment and made a decision to spend more time on what’s working. I tried to stay away from focusing so much on a list of things to accomplish and focus on the qualitative part of my goals. 

When I focus on the qualitative aspect of my goals, I leave the “check mark” mentality behind and I press on to become the person who can accomplish the goals I set. 2015 has been an amazing year already. I’m not totally discouraged about my progress. As I reviewed my goals recently, I noticed that the simple fact that I wrote them down gave me the empowerment to pursue and achieve them. Glory be to God! 

I’m amazed at the possibilities only realized by those who choose to focus on the qualitative part of their goals. Focusing on quality has allowed me to make progress in my personal life and character. Spending my time on what really matters has also made the process easier. I also have stretched my faith in order to pursue the goals I set before me. 

With the help of God I trust Him to become the person He has called me to be. It seems that while I have faith in God it is up to me to do what I can in order to make progress. My encouragement for you today is to spend time on what’s working. Reassess your goals. Set new ones and review old ones. Hope will arise and you will be ignited to go after your dreams again.