2016 Goals You can Reach

Monday, November 23, 2015

Think about your greatest achievements in life. They were not an accident, correct? It took hard work, persistence and determination. I dare to say, it all started with a goal. You and I have 37 days left in 2015 my friend. Today I want to help you reach your goals through these 3 questions:

• What do I most want to be thankful for one year from now? - this week we are counting and naming our blessings. I challenge you to look further and decide how will you insert certitude in your goals. When you answer the question I just gave you, you make a decision to put some boundaries in your living. Isn’t it what goals do so well? They help us establish our margin and they solidify our path towards a better future. Name your blessings now and start working towards them as you set your goal.

• Which activities in my schedule aren’t delivering the results I want? - I am fascinated with this concept. I read about a man who reviews his previous year and makes decisions on what he won’t do in the upcoming year. He just doesn’t quit the things he hates; he quits the things that aren’t delivering the results he wants. In other words, he kills his darlings. It’s not easy but it is freeing and I have found that rectification brings affirmation towards the path you really should go. In a gardening sense, when you trim a tree or a bush, you are setting that plant up for success. The pruning will cause more growth. The same thing happens when we choose to kill the activities that aren’t delivering results we want. We are really freeing our lives for successful activities.

• Are you buying what you’re selling? - every time we woke up for the past 327 days, we were selling something. We sell that “something” through the way we live what we believe. This past year I tried to sell the fact that putting my family first is a good deal. I tried to sell the fact that resting must be included in one’s daily schedule. I also sold long distance running, reading the Bible in one year, being a friend who connects offline often. My immediate family and close friends also know about the bad sales deals I tried to give them. My lack of patience, my shortcomings and lack of wisdom in some areas were bad deals no one should dare to buy. What did you sell this year? Would you buy it? Get rich quick schemes and shortcuts won’t do. The way of integrity is the way to go. I challenge you to think of yourself as a salesperson and evaluate what you sold to others this year.

My friend, let’s make time to answer these 3 questions and write our 2016 goals. I pray that as you reflect on these questions your heart is filled with hope and excitement. You have a world of possibilities inside of you. Establishing your 2016 Goals will help you get them out.