Rolling with the Punches

Saturday, December 19, 2015

What a week! School is out for Christmas and we are so ready to celebrate the birth of our Savior. These past two weeks were intense for us. We have been taking care of some things in preparation for the Christmas season and I'm glad we are pretty much ready to go. The heart is the only thing that really needs to be ready. I'm getting my heart ready each day as I read the Bible daily (what a great habit I acquired this year!) and I focus on Jesus.

I was on Periscope quite a bit this week (follow me there if you haven't already). I plan on posting some fun craft Christmas projects here this week. I made a wreath yesterday and if you know me, you know it had to be the easiest thing in the galaxy.

I am about to go run a 12K so I will post about marathon training in the holiday season later on today.

Thanks for reading my friend!