10 Fun-raising Summer Ideas

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Listen to me my people: in my neck of the woods, we have around 6 weeks of summer break and the kids are back to school. Wow! I'm not trying to make you sad or mad but aware of how much fun you can have in these next 6 weeks. Here are some of the ways we plan on having a Fun-raising Summer:

1 • Library summer reading club - I try this every summer and I believe this year, because most of us read independently, it will be an even better experience. So far the kids have enjoyed going to the library and getting new books. I have managed to somehow not lose any books (don't get me started with late fees and yes, it's all my fault!) so I'm calling this a win. We also have been going to story time. The kids love it! During the school year is tough to make it cause I'm focusing on homework, dinner and rest. 

2 • Swimming - We are enjoying swimming on a regular basis. Now that the kids are older, it's much easier on me. I used to freak out with 3 non-swimmers in summer past. Now I can kinda relax. Okay, not really but the older two can hold their own. I've been swimming by myself as well. I'm gonna keep this going till I give up because of the cold. I heard our pool is heated but... we'll see right?

3 • Park days - I love parks and I believe they are the heart of every community. The summer is a good time to go to parks because staying indoors is not an option. Even if we find an indoor park, it's been fun going so the kids can play and be active. 

4 • VBS - I love Vacation Bible School and my kids love it too. They learn a lot about Christ and they have so much fun. I can't tell you how much VBS contributed to my own faith growing up. 

5 • Birthdays - summer birthdays are a blessing: we have two in our own house. Birthdays are pretty much guaranteed fun for kids and adults. 

6 • Family Trip - we planned ours for the beginning of the summer and we had a lot of fun. I know a lot of families travel during the summer because there's no need to worry about kids missing school. There's a bonding that happens when family travel together... I love it! 

7 • Beach - we are so blessed to live close to the beach and we try to take a couple of trips during the summer. We're close enough that we can get a great day trip to the beach. I enjoy getting completely out of my daily grind and being immersed (literally) in God's creation. 

8 • Museum - going to a museum is also a great summer activity. It's not hot inside (ha!) and you can learn a lot of things there. We're blessed to have several free museums in our city so I'm planning on visiting them soon. 

9 • Friends - Last year I did a good job keeping in touch with my friends, but I was always on deadline because of work. I think that summer is that time we forget about the clock and we let the kids run wild while we catch up on life. Friendship is simple like that and it's meant to be sweet like that. 

10 • New Experiences - I'm a seeker of new experiences. I've been waiting eagerly to try an Ethiopian restaurant in town. I've been dreaming about taking a (free) boat tour in the port of Houston. Summers are meant for new experiences. I also know that I need to write down what I want to experience and find my way there. The port tour is happening soon (whoohoo!), I now need a list of other fun things to experience this summer. 

I know that moms have all types of things we want the kids to do during the summer. We want them to read and write so they won't regress. We also want them to attend the hottest camps around, the ones that sound impressive among adults, you know? I also know that this summer will be a solid part of my kids' memory so I want those memories to be filled with love and fun. 

What are your Fun-raising plans for the rest of the summer?