How to find and maintain an organization system for your home

Sunday, July 21, 2019

I've been researching organization methods for the past 6 years or so. Here are three ways to find and maintain an organization system for your home.

Define what organization means to you. The author or expert does not live at your house but you do. You need to start the process deciding what organization means to you. You can answer the question: what do I want to accomplish? It might be stepping in the floor in your closet instead of laundry. Your accomplishment might be opening your home for guests. Be specific.

Find a system that works for you. There are many systems out there. There is only one that works for you. Think about your currently life as you choose that system. If you can’t pause everything in your schedule to empty your entire home of your belongings, that system might not work for you. You might have to try several approaches before you find something that works. Remember, the system needs to work for your not the other day around. 

Work the system. Once I found a system that worked for me, I decided to follow the system. Whether I only had 45 minutes or 3 hours, I used the system consistently and I got good results. When everything is out of whack, I follow the system from beginning to end and things get in order.

In my opinion, the goal of organization is for sanity, not for vanity. Sanity because you need to find your things quickly. You also need to be in a home you enjoy. I find it easier to enjoy an organized home, free of necessary clutter. I also understand that things get messy on a regular basis. We live here after all. The goal of the system is to get things in order so that living is pleasant.