Sunday Seven

Sunday, September 22, 2019

1 • We had a major storm in our area. Many are still recovering from Harvey. Many are still traumatized. Major (and minor) storms remind me of what is really important. This time around, I was reminded that I choose how to react to storms. My hope is that my faith will be evident, no matter what.

2 • Our house went on the market this week. Moving is not convenient so I am focusing on the stuff I like. I like clean environments. I like when everyone works hard to accomplish a visible task (keeping the house clean and uncluttered). This has been dreamy!

3 • We made pancakes this week. I won't bake again until we move, so pancakes will be our way of putting extra love in our bellies. I enjoy making easy vegan pancakes. They are fluffy and so good. Thanks to my friend Lea for the inspiration and to Pinterest for the recipe.

4 • The storm (and the fact that I had to take my braids down after 6 weeks) gave me a little down time. I watched quite a fair amount of PBS shows. I love Rick Steves and Frontline. I also had a chance to watch the Downton Abbey movie. I watched this entire season in order, since season 1. It was nice to see those characters again. I hope another great show like Downton comes PBS again.

5 • My first transition from home to home was so difficult. I felt so bad. A wise mentor told me that seeing my nest come apart is never easy. She is so right. She also assured me that this too shall pass. I appreciate her wisdom. I called her when this transition started. I told her I just wanted to hear her voice. Her words of wisdom come from the word of God. God is always solid and I appreciate people who point me to Him.

6 • I'm sure my perspective will change, but for now, I'm trying not to overthink friendships during this transition. It's been said "when people show you who they are, believe them." My problem is that I have an ideal image of who people should be for me. This week, I told myself not to over think relationships (especially friendships) and focus on the positive. This strategy helped because my very first TX friend and I saw each other in the grocery store's parking lot. It was nice to be myself and not have to hide all these mixed feelings. Friendship is more precious than gold.

7 • I'm a believer in being good to others. Apparently, not everyone thinks the same way. I have learned that when people constantly show their worst behavior, I don't have to be a participant in their circus. I can be pleasant and professional. I do not have to remain in the present of someone who displays and practices bad behavior on purpose.