My first COVID-19 Test Experience

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The city where I live offered free COVID-19 tests to the population these past few days. I went to take the test recently. They had a code you scanned with the camera in your phone and you filled out a form while waiting in line.

The testing is being facilitated by the Texas Army National Guard. The governor of the State deployed more than 1,200 soldiers to set up, operate, and take down mobile test collection sites across the state.

There was no appointment needed and it was very well organized. Compared to the variety of tests available, this one is a mouth swab. They basically coach you to swab your own mouth and put the test in these buckets and you walk yourself out. The whole thing took around 20 minutes. 

I had many thoughts while I was waiting in line. My first thought was, "how long will this take because I have so many other things to do." I know how blessed I am. Being "inconvenienced" this way is a first-world problem. 

My second thought was, "I wonder how far away these officers came from to help us." I didn't make conversation. I just knew they were serving and sacrificing something to be in that position of service. 

While I was in line, I listened to the song that has brought me through this challenging season. James Hall's "Hold to God's Unchanging Hand." I listened to this song non-stop while flying from Brasil back to the States in early March. The lyrics remind me of God's constant character while things are uncertain. No matter how crazy life's circumstances get, God does not change. 

My last thought was, "there's no way I'd bring my kids here." While I am thankful for this service, I believe that our local health care workers would provide a better environment for my kids. 

The environment was organized, well-ran. You could tell it was the military way. It was also a tense experience because we are not used to any of what is happening. One of the officers did tell us what was happening and he told us what to expect. Still, you just stand there, 6-feet apart and in silence.

The result of this test can mean a lot of things. Regardless, my trust is in the Lord. I believe He has a greater and better future prepared for us. God's unchanging hands will see us through. 

I am not experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. I do work with the public. I felt it was wise to get the test for my peace of mind and as a good steward of my job. 

We have a mandatory face mask order here in Texas. We hope that these temporary measures will help us get through this season. 

I am focusing on the eternal while navigating these new experiences on earth. 

Question: Have you taken the COVID-19 test? What was your experience like?