Sunday Seven

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Today I want to share seven lessons I learned in seven places. 

1. Home • I am in complete control of how peaceful (or not) my home is. I am 100% in control of the atmosphere because I set it. I do it from the inside out. If my heart is not a peace, chances are, those pretty decorations are not going to make my home peaceful. The work starts in the heart. 

2. Church • I always appreciate praising God with others. The psalmist says 'oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together' (Ps. 34:3). He also gives some brilliant examples of what God did for him. I like that. We praise together and we tell about all the good God has done for us. 

3. Work • God is not responsible for what I do with the potential He gave me. It takes hard work from my part. It takes relying on others for wisdom but the hustle is 100% up to me. I want to be a good steward of the talents God gave me. 

4. Running Club • Running Club is my happy hour for more reasons than one. This week, we welcomed several new members. Seeing their smiles was so good. We are a welcoming bunch. We are friendly and positive. I learned that when you find something good, it is great to share it with others. 

5. Gym • I work at increasing my strength in the gym. When I muscles get sore, I learn that getting stronger is not easy but it pays off. I think about that in other areas of life. It is tough getting stronger but you know what's worse? The opposite. 

6. African store • I found a store in my community that sells African products. A lot of the items reminded me of my African friends. I love the continent. I want to see it again and again. The store gave me a little piece of Africa. I pray that I will go back in person.

7. Zeke's arms. My favorite part of the day is being with my husband. I find comfort and all the love I always wanted in him. I treasure the husband God gave me. I am thankful for Zeke and I pray God's blessings over his life. Christian marriage is a gift. I pray for a long, healthy marriage for myself and everyone I know.