Sunday Seven

Sunday, October 8, 2023

  1. God graciously allows us to live one day at a time. There is no reason to be anxious about many tomorrows for today is the gift God gives us. I'm learning to be diligent in serving God and inquiring of Him. I am learning to ask for wisdom for the day ahead. I find that He gives me grace, goodness, and mercy. Each day, I can count on God's guidance. I am learning to release my many tomorrows to Him, knowing that He is good and He is in control. 
  2. Asking for forgiveness from others should be a normal part of my life. I make mistakes. I offend others. I make wrong assumptions. I should ask for forgiveness as quickly as possible. I should be specific about what I did. "Did I do something to offend you?" can be counted as "fishing" for an absolution. If I know I did something wrong, I should ask for forgiveness. If I don't know but I have an inkling that I'm in the wrong, I should be honest about it. Forgiveness is the commandment. There is no reason to hide from what God requires of me. 
  3. I decided to spend more time on what I believe than worrying about what I do not believe. This practice has made me stronger in my faith in Christ. I think about what the Bible says and go about doing it. It has made me more peaceful. Because I refuse to spend time worrying about things I don't believe in and cannot influence, my heart has more room for the peace of God. When I am more faithful and patient, I can be more effective as a servant of God. Part of the enemy's strategy is to confuse. He is the author of confusion and I am not about to read (and practice) his book. 
  4. I am taking extra time to reflect on my goals and accomplishments for the year. I still have time to make progress. The lie some believe is that the year is over and we might as well wait until January to be all we think we should be. The truth is that today is the day we get to hold God's hand and walk toward His purposes for us. He wants to lead us toward His best. We can't be distracted by barriers. We can be encouraged that God is for us. 
  5. Multiple friends crossed the finish line of the Chicago Marathon today. I'm so proud of them. Chicago seemed impossible for me in 2010, someone who never run before. All I had was a dream. God orchestrated everything I needed to cross that finish line in 2014. I cried when I held my medal because I was in awe of a dream coming to reality. After the dream comes reality. Running multiple days during the week. Learning proper form, etiquette, mindset, fueling, and rest. Crossing a finish line is the culmination of endless sacrifice for the joy of finishing well. I salute my friends and their immeasurable efforts to do something only a few accomplish. 
  6. I believe you can't be what you can't see. I'm choosing to surround myself with people who practice what I am to be. I've been closely watching consistent people. This week, I learned that what some use as excuses others will use as an opportunity to practice consistency. I'm in awe of these friends who faithfully live and who remember to inspire others to be and do their very best. 
  7. God's word is unfailing. I am persuaded to read it and study it so I can get to know and serve God better. It's not about becoming a walking Bible encyclopedia. It is about becoming more like Jesus.