Happy First Day of...

Monday, August 22, 2016

Hey mom and dad, you are sending your kid to school (or you are the school yourself), right? Here's what you need to know: 

You're loved - yes! It is about you! God loves you and He wants you to know that. You can't give what you don't have, so God wants you to feel incredibly loved today as you love on your little ones. 

Someone has been there - many people have done what you are doing. Find comfort in the fact that God created a community of friends so we do not have to stand alone. There's always someone out there who can relate to your situation. Rock on and know that every emotion you are feeling is accounted for and every feeling is valid. We need community for affirmation, comfort and encouragement. 

God is in control of the unknown - and He is the only one who knows how to do deal with the unknown. A lot of us are afraid of the unknown and that makes us human. God is not afraid of it (or of anything else for that matter!) because He is in control. If fear is paralyzing you, get in touch with God through the Bible, prayer and a faithful friend. God knows what you are going through and He cares. He wants to give you His peace and assurance. Don't let fear paralyze you, get a hold of God. 

Enjoy today - I'm not sure if my kids will remember their every "first day of ...." event. What I know for sure is that they will sense my inner peace or inner turmoil. Even though I might be nervous, excited managing the array of feelings that accompany this day, I will remember to enjoy today. Today is a gift from God. I can smile with thankfulness today! I can take a deep breath and be thankful for the gift of motherhood. I can reminisce about the wonderful summer we just had. I can enjoy today and as I enjoy it, I rejoice in this day God has given me. 

I know some of you sent your kids to school already and we're just late to the party. If your kid(s) is(are) starting school today, remember that you need to be congratulated. So, congratulations!

My goodness, you kept them alive for another summer! You made that entire summer plan (or lack thereof) happen. That's a huge deal and I wish we could put that our my resume friends! 

The eternal truth you must remember is that God loves you, someone on earth understands, God is in control of the unknown and you must enjoy the gift of today. Have a great "first day of...!"