Before and NOW

Friday, August 10, 2007

“Short term goals:* To lose at least 2 pounds per week;* To look great during Thanksgiving and my future husband's birthday;* Not to gain weight during holidays;* Get serious with an exercise program.” Old Cintia, 9/13/2005

Wow. It took 2 years but I’m reaching my ‘short term’ goals. My mind was so messed up two years ago. I can’t believe I tortured myself and lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks. That was real torture. Now that I am working on being nutritiously balanced I feel great, not sick and hungry all of the time. What a difference God makes in my life.

I used to say that I had a sweet tooth. I learned that the less I rely on sugar, the less I need it. I rely on fruits to quench my desire for something sweet.
I used to say NO to breads, cakes, etc. I budget my food and see if I can afford eating or not. I told you, life lived in freedom is beautiful!

I used to list what I ate. What a stupid thing to do. It wasn’t fun and I had no snacks. I had to be kidding myself …

I used to wait for a workout buddy to walk with me so I could exercise but now I’m my own leader. It works every time.

Psalm 37 has been a great guide through this whole time. I finally get it GOD!

I used to call myself fat. NOT ANYMORE! That’s a horrible confession to make about yourself.

I used to focus on the numbers of pounds lost and specially the ones I weighed. NOT ANYMORE! Now I focus on God.

The word of God is true. When you seek Him first, everything falls into place. Wow.