In a season where advertising budgets are small, Business owners wear many hats. My consulting business helps Businesses, non-profits and individuals make the best out of social networking. We make media simple. A free tool that business owners should have in their possession is Twitter. This is great a Social Media tool for the small town, small business owner because of the simplicity of spreading your message beyond county (state, nation) lines.
As I lead workshops in Haywood County, NC, many small business owners ask me, “Why Twitter?” I want to take the time to answer that question. Here are my 5 reasons why you should have an account:
1. Connect and network with others in your industry • Businesses flock to Twitter in order to connect with customers but also for network opportunities. Plus, Twitter feels closer than e-mail. I dare to say, Twitter is faster than e-mail.
2. Have instant access to what’s being said about your business • Twitter is a conversation and there are ways to track what others are saying about your business. Having a conversation on Twitter is a great way to connect with customers and find new ones.
3. Twitter is a great way to promote your Business' Blog Posts • in my last Blogging 101 class in the Haywood County (NC) Public Library, I talked about Social Media Strategy. Using Twitter to expose other readers to your blog posts is one of my suggestions.
4. Twitter is a great place to Promote your products and services to a target audience • Customers are looking for great products, services and savings on Twitter. If your business is not there, you miss the opportunity to expose people to your great business.
5. Twitter has a global reach and so will you • people from all over the world are on Twitter. People with money all over the world are on Twitter. Twitter is a great platform to increase your online sales to a broader audience.
Last night I taught a class for Business owners called “Facebook & Twitter for Business: from Scratch to Online Success” at Haywood Community College. The class was hosted by the Small Business Center. I am always encouraged to know that more and more businesses are connecting with customers online and Twitter is a great platform where business connections do happen.
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