3 Tips for Mothers who Need Friends

Monday, January 16, 2012

My every need to connect with other mothers has been met: I am now a member of MOPS. “The purpose of MOPS International is to encourage, equip and develop every Mother of a Preschooler to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader in the name of Jesus Christ.
I was very eager to attend my first meeting. My group meets twice a month and they provide child care. The welcome I received from everyone was very warm and genuine. There was an amazing breakfast served, a time of devotional and prayer too. There were 3 of us who were new, so we had an orientation to the group. I was assigned to help with the Publicity Team, which I was very happy about. While we were in the orientation the other ladies had an ice-breaker and the meeting closed with a time of open discussion in the tables. I had to leave a bit earlier cause I was going to grab lunch with a friend downtown.

I was impressed with the type of women who are part of MOPS. The one thing everyone had in common was motherhood and the desire to be the best they could be. Once again, I am assured that God made some things in a way that ethnicity nor money can change. We all show love to our children, we all need the connection and encouragement.

I have been eagerly praying for my MOPS group. I go in with the mentality that it is a good fit for me but I know God also wants me to contribute with something. I pray that I will be able to discern what that is.

I have been eagerly working to connect in the community and I think that the kids and I have reached our goal. We are part of MOPS, a community play group, we go to Toddler story time at the Pubic Library, and we go to church 3 times a week. It took a few months but I think we found a schedule that works well for us.
Here are 3 things I’ve learned about connecting: 1 • I need to show myself friendly in order to have friends (Proverbs 18:24 KJV); 2 • I need to get out there and find mommy & me groups; 3 • I need to contribute to the group as well as enjoy the benefits. Question of the Day: How do you go about connecting with other mothers? Any helpful tips?