"...And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith." Hebrews 12:1-2
My husband recently started wearing eye glasses. He had been experiencing awful headaches day after day. Meds were not helping any more, so we decided to fix the root of the problem. Zeke had indeed lost his (eye) focus, which was impeding him to live a great life. The headaches are not literally gone now that he regained his focus.
We all need to refocus our vision from time to time and this is what Hebrews 12:1-2 talks about. As we focus our eyes on Jesus, it is easy to run with endurance the race that God has set before us.
I know all about races, mostly when I'm not pregnant (I completed my first race at 10 weeks of pregnancy). As I am crossing this particular finish line, all I could focus on was my goal. I run with my eyes focused on my goal and my mind set on it. I do it every time and I finish well every time. As I think of my life and the things I have accomplished, I realized that the big finish is due to the right focus. When I lose my focus discouragement settles in my mind and it paralyses my legs. Hebrews 12 is offering us a solution for our sometimes lost of focus: Jesus.
• My encouragement for you today is that you keep running but be sure you fix the root of your problems by having the right focus. Have a great race my friend!
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