Pregnancy: Week 30

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I am officially in the third and final trimester of my Pregnancy! Glory be to God! I'm counting down to birth day and I have around 9 weeks to go. The baby and I are very healthy, so is the rest of our family. Here are my experiences since we last talked:
• I passed my blood test so no diabetes and no need for that painful 3-hour test I took last time. Thank God!
• I've been going to the gym at least 3 times a week for 2 months. I think this has contributed a lot to the way I am feeling. I assume I'm the only, obviously pregnant lady there so I am a prime future client for trainers. They have been extra friendly to me.
• I failed my iron test. Last time I decided to stay ahead and take an iron pill and I passed it but this time even with the extra iron pills I failed the test. I'm on prescription iron pills now. Go figure.
• Crazy hormones! I almost cried in the gym when I was waiting for a treadmill and a senior citizen jumped on an empty one right in front of me. He never noticed my hormonal change (thankfully) and I think he honestly wasn't paying attention. I dislike the desire to cry when something upsets me cause it's just not part of my personality. What's been worse is that some people were unusually mean to me last week. One time I felt like I had to speak up and told this lady's coworkers her day needed to get better for the love of God cause she was in a baaaad mood when I showed up in this office. Anyway, my goal is to forgive and move on without the crying.
Extra Information: 
• This is the first pregnancy where I don't take the flu shot. The doctor didn't want me to take it during the first trimester and she was out most of my second trimester, so I ended up not getting it.
• I still wear heels once a week. I still get a lot of stares and comments about it at church but I have 25 months of experience in this thing. I believe that secretly people want pregnant women like me not to exercise or wear cute shoes for 9 months.
• The kids and I went to start a baby registry. They did awesome as long as I kept moving and kept them fed.
••• Here's me at 30 weeks of pregnancy in 2010 and here's my 30-week bump in 2009. For Pregnancy posts, go to my Pregnancy Page.
Erika TAAT said...

Cintia, faz muito tempo que nao nos falamos, amiga! Nao sabia que voces estao esperando mais um bebezinho. Parabens!!!! Temos que nos falar em breve. Bjs

Digital Mom said...
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Anonymous said...

Not sleeping thru the night is nature's way of getting you ready. Such a curse, I remember it.... Pregnancy Week by Week

Cintia Listenbee said...

I'm sorry you had a hard time. I wouldn't call it a curse tough. Very strong word to be related with such a beautiful part of life, sleepless nights and all.