Navigating Toddlerhood: 4 Tips

Monday, May 21, 2012

I was the mom who never thought my kid would grow up. That feeling lasted about 15 months when I birthed my second one. I realized how quickly children grow as parents experience long days and short years.
If you are a first time mom like I was, you probably know what you don’t want out of a toddler. Today I want to propose 4 ways of helping you navigate toddlerhood with purpose and joy:

Pray over your children • I am a firm believer that prayer should be part of our daily lives as parents. Not only the ones we say before eating but the prayers we say without ceasing. Children are little sponges, and you want them to absorb the good things you do as a parent.

Prepare to be a good example • toddlers do as we do. If we show frustration they notice it. They even know our tone of voice and replicate it very well. It’s near impossible to be perfect but just to be aware of the fact that we are being closely watched should encourage us to be good examples for our kids. From our food choices to our choice of words, let’s be aware of our daily output.

Speak well of your children • taking my kids out in public is a sure way to get strangers to try to get me to speak negative things about them. What I usually hear is how much work toddlers are (mind you, these people know nothing about my life). I always say out loud that my children are a blessing and that usually clears the air. I’ve heard of parents joke about how they want to give their kids up. The reason why this attitude is dangerous is because there is death and life in the power of the tongue, no in between here. Also remember that their little ears are attentive to our voice. They want nothing less than our uncompromised approval of them.

Take time to understand and train • The more kids you have, the more you realize that God created people in unique ways. One of my kids is more strong willed than the other. The cookie cutter way of raising kids does not work for these two (soon to the three) amazing individuals. It is crucial that I take time daily to understand and train my kids. I must a student of my children. I need to look over frustrations and look straight at their heart. Putting the right teachings in their hearts and minds is something I am called to do as a parent. It all starts with having enough time to notice their needs.

I wonder what are some of the lessons you learned as you journey through toddlerhood. Is it all you dreamed of? What are some things that work?