Everyone seems to have a list on the must have gifts of the season. No one is immune from this consumer oriented holiday, the industry is ever pushing us to give gifts to as many people as possible. I am not against gift giving, I am against spending what we don't have. I have compiled a list of 3 things we can all give this holiday season. I dare you to include these in your gift giving.
• The gift of your Time - the most precious of all gifts one can give, time is priceless and so much needed. Here's what Rick Warren said about it: "Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you'll never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time... Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is "T-I-M-E.” I encourage you to give the precious gift of your time to someone in your list.
• The gift of your Presence - a warm body should never be confused with being present. For example, if you decide to attend one of your kid's Christmas plays but can't get that technology glow off your face, you are not really present. Some people can't have a 30-minute conversation without constantly checking their phone. Being completely present shows respect for the other. It says, you are most important and I am fully engaged in this activity with you. Can you think of someone who needs the gift of your presence this Christmas season?
• The gift of your Service - God created you unique, that's why no one can serve like you can. Whether you serve by building houses for Habitat for Humanity or you decide to bake desserts and send them to a homeless shelter, the gift of your Service brings you closer to your purpose in life. Your personality, your bend, the things you care about where placed in you by God for the benefit of others around you. The gift of your Service does more than make you appreciate the things you have, it really says 'I appreciate the way God created me, so I will use my talents to improve the lives of others.' Can you think of the unique ways you can serve others this holiday season?
I encourage you to include these 3 gifts in your list this season. They're free but they will cost you something. What you get in return is worth the investment. I believe these gifts will make a difference and bring much needed joy in the lives that will be impacted by you.
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