A Day of Memories

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today I want to go down memory lane and remember some happy days with my husband. These are photos of our wedding and the celebrations that happened afterwards:
January 17, 2006 - Our Wedding at Rev. Nicholson's Home in NC
Our Summer  of 06 Wedding Reception in NC
The Blessing of our Marriage,  May of 2006 in Mississippi
Today is also a day of memories for us. My late Father-in-Law was born today. I realize that Valentines' Day can be a great or not so great, it depends on where you are in life. I want to encourage you to remember that God loves you. There is no greater love than His love for you. You are in my prayers if you are not feeling loved for any reason. In God's calendar there is not a specific day where you should be more loved than others because He first loved you and He will love you til the end. I don't know about you but this truth makes me feel amazingly special. Enjoy your day friend!