Marathon Success: Week 16

Friday, October 11, 2013

I am at the 99 day mark til the Houston Marathon my friends. Time is flying! Last week was the most difficult week of my training because my grandmother passed. Emotionally I was down but thanks to my husband I kept pushing myself and put on the miles anyway. It feels like I'm getting back to my new normal this week. Good thing there are lots of things to celebrate such as the longest distance I've ever ran: 13 miles! That's right, I ran a half marathon this morning. Glory to Jesus! 
Running 13 miles was awesome
• My runs are never boring: this morning I saw 2 deer, 1 dog, 1 rabbit and I was in the company of 3 runners from my running club. I accepted the invitation of one of the runners who wanted to do her long run (20 miles) a day earlier. I joined her for the first 13. I also decided to run earlier because tomorrow my church is having a 5K walk/run and I signed up to participate. It will be my husband's first race after supporting me in all of my races. I'm so excited for him! 
• I'm losing weight and thankfully all things around me including my hydration belt are adapting to my decreasing waist line. My Nathan Hydration belt is too big for me and I sold it today. Nathan has been a great running buddy. Here's a picture from this morning:
Nathan got a new home today. 
• One of my Marathon Training Academy heroes is coming to for an interview soon. Would you send me your questions for Angie please?
I am thankful for your love and support dear readers! Have a great weekend!

Previously in this Series:
Week 14
Weeks 1-10
KW said...

I"m so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Big hug to you and glad you had the support to get you through a difficult time. Your strength is amazing.

Keep up the running.