7 easy Ways to teach Preschoolers about Easter

Sunday, March 22, 2015

1 • Read them the Easter Story - I simply grabbed one of those Bible story books we have at the house and started reading from Palm Sunday to the Resurrection story. I believe that children feel empowered to know the story of Jesus for themselves and I get to introduce them to Him as a mother.
2 • Sing Easter Songs - I believe that other than making life fun, music can really help kids to know and enjoy the story of Easter. Even if you teach them "Lord I lift your name on High," be sure to choose a special song you sing after reading the Easter Story with the kids. I chose a special song for our family and the kids really have fun singing it every year around this time. They also enjoy the moves and dancing that goes along with the song.
3 • Make Easter Crafts - I noticed this year that after hearing the stories and singing the songs, making a craft really helped me solidify the real meaning of Easter. Please know I'm not a craft queen but we did get some construction paper and made our own palms as well as our own donkeys. We used it as props for a play about the Triumphal Entry.
4 • Do an Easter Play - The kids had the best time doing their Easter Play. They basically took turns waking the palms they made and saying "Hosanna" and being Jesus in the Donkey. It was simple, short, sweet, fun and I believe they learned that story in a new level.
5 • Have Holy Communion as a family - Whether you do it at church or at home, I think the Easter season is the perfect time to teach the children about Holy Communion. My kids are quite young to learn the Hebrew and Greek meaning of every word in the Bible, so we keep it simple by telling them that this is the way we remember Jesus.
6 • Ask them Questions - I'm just arrived at the point where we can ask the kids questions. I love the way they think. I also try to pay attention to see if they have any questions for us. They always do.
7 • Have a HUGE Easter celebration - I'm a believer that Easter is the super bowl of the Christian holidays. I think that my kids will get it when we celebrate it big. I'm not talking about big spending or a big dinner but the gratefulness and joy that comes from the inside out. I pray that my joy and thankfulness for Jesus sacrifice will show. I also hope to adopt more creative ways to teach my children that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. One thing is for sure, more will be caught than taught.