Chevron Houston Marathon Training Week 5

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

172 days to go! Last week’s training was good because the nutrition part of the training was on point. Preparing all those meals really paid off: I am losing weight! I’m excited about that because I was quite unsuccessful off season. One of the things that I dislike about myself and I want to change is the fact that I gained weight when the miles piled up. I am working on setting boundaries as far as nutrition now so that this process will be easier late Fall.

I never claimed to be a super athlete (if you can’t tell already). I’m an ordinary person with an extraordinary love for the marathon. My passion drives me to set goals every day and try my best to achieve them while learning from my mistakes.

I made a bunch of rookie mistakes and earlier this season I decided to improve on nutrition and core strength. I believe that this time around things will be “easier” because of these changes.
I ran twice last week, went to a spinning class and did two days of strength training. One of the classes I took was boot camp. I believe that will be gold mine as far as motivation to get a stronger core. Every time I am tempted to be discouraged I remember that I am getting stronger every day. Boot camp is early, it is a very difficult workout with no glam about it. No wonder I’m often the only person there. I trust God that all this hard work will reflect positively in the marathon.

My goal for the next 12 weeks is to be faithful to my core training. I want to be a stronger runner so core strength has to be part of the equation.

Previously in this series:
• Week 4
• Week 3
• Week 2
• Week 1