141 days till 2016, a Reflection.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

“What do I most want to be thankful for one year from now?” — Ray Edwards

This question has been challenging me for 7 months. 2015 has been a good year and I feel like the upcoming Fall is yet another opportunity for personal growth. With every pursuit, I try to be sure it leads me to being a better wife to Zeke and a better mother to my dear children.

I am juggling a couple of projects such as my 100 days of Food Journal Challenge and my Chevron Houston Marathon Training. I am also pursuing personal growth as a media professional. I do have a full plate but I am persuaded by God’s call in my life. I’m trying not to label myself because labels eventually fall off the bottle revealing what its true content is. I prefer to live my life in transparency and let God shine through me.

Back to my initial question. I want to be thankful about my Marriage Resume. I heard about this concept in a Podcast and I absolutely love it. It means that a couple can come up with things they have done together in the past 3 years to build the marriage relationship. I want to be able to look back and say that I have made good choices, even if they came from lessons learned the hard way.

I want to be thankful for my growth as a parent. It is true that when you think you have nailed down this art, kids change and grow. Oh how I love to see them grow. I am also growing as a mother and I insist in doing things God’s way.

Talking about that, I want to be able to be thankful for reading the Bible in one year. So far I’m on day 224 of 365. I started late but I persisted. I’m not a person who needs to be forced to adopt good habits such as daily Bible reading. What I do need is encouragement to live what I read. I do find that encouragement in my community of faith and I’m thankful.

I want to be thankful for sticking to my marathon training plan. Every time the alarm clock goes off at dark o’clock, motivation gets me up and discipline keeps me going. There is nothing fun or convenient about personal discipline but I know that “the character and career of a young person depends on how he or she spends spare time” J. Oswald Sanders in Spiritual Leadership. I spend my spare time training for marathons. I want to be thankful that my time was well spent. I want to be thankful that the tweaks in my training were worth the effort.

What do you most want to be thankful for one year from now my friend?