What to do when Scary Stuff Happens

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Scary stuff is all around us. Sadly yet truly, it has always been. One day I will tell you about the world I grew up in. I didn't realize it was scary for many years. My folks didn't "shelter" me in the common sense of the word, they did shelter me under the shadow of the Most High (see Psalm 91). My parents and grandparents prayed and spoke and sang that particular Psalm often. Now that my grandmothers are with the Lord, I see that if it worked for them, it's gotta work for me. That's what I am calling an unshakable hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

As I am reading the One Year Bible I saw this particular passage: 

It reminded me that Jesus is our Conquering King who is and will always reign victorious. When scary stuff happens I run to God and His Word. There's no way I can afford let the spirit of fear take over me. Why? Number one because God has not given me a spirit of fear but one of power, love and a sound mind. Number two because I have kids and those little sponges can sense insecurity. I am not trying to "shelter" them in the traditional sense of the word. I am trying, much like my ancestors, to show by example that when scary stuff happens we are to run to God and dwell under His Shadow. 

As I kept reading my One Year Bible plan, I ran into this verse: 
I said "BINGO!" How can I afford not to cry out for help early and as a habit? God is our present help, a very present help in times of trouble. 

I see myself with two clear choices when scary stuff happens: freak out and shrink in fear or not let those feelings take permanent residence in me. 

It's okay to feel fear, it's not okay to let it take root in my life. The only way I can manage doing that is through my Rock of a God. 

He's powerful. He sees. He cares and yes, He answers prayers. 

Let's believe God. He is who He says He is. 

I pray God's peace over your heart and mind today as you read this. Go read your Bible my friend.