I just completed 42 weeks of my adventure as a preschool music teacher. I am thankful to God for what's ahead. While I have learned a lot from the past, one thing is for sure: there is nothing I can do about it. Yesterday is gone and all I have is what God has given me in the gift of today.
You and I have great possibilities contained in the next 32 weeks. What will you do with it? I have a pretty great idea of what I can do.
• Family - Camp Listenbee will be in session for the summer again. I am planning an epic time with the kids. The goal is to experience new things without being over committed and exhausted. I'm looking forward to a happy summer filled with fun memories. I also plan on spending some major time with my husband. I've been married to him for 10 years but somehow, I can't get enough of him.
• Health - I scheduled my annual exams and I have been working closely with my family doctor. I see her every 3 months because of the high blood pressure meds I have been on since 2007. The last time I was there I told her I am working on losing weight and she gave me some great advice. My goal is to be fit for my Fall and Winter races. Now is the time to do the hard work and I will continue to benefit throughout the year.
• Fitness - I am reading "Run Less Run Fast" with my running buddies. I like the book and I plan on starting that training plan soon. My next race (Rock'n'Roll San Jose Half) is in October, so my fitness goal is to PR as well as a have a lovely time in California with my dear friend and her family. Right after that we crank up the Chevron Houston Marathon Training. My heart is to train with purpose for Houston and finally, finally run a dreamy race that shows in the numbers.
• Business - I am open and eager to pursue new business opportunities this year. I've been praying and working on new projects and I'm excited about the places God is taking me.
• Faith - There is something about faith that is not quantitative. God is all about relationship, so I'm happy about that. I am planning on continuing to read my Bible in One Year. I'm late but I am persisting and reading daily. I am also embarking on a new area where I have the honor of co-teaching Colossians with a dear mentor and a faithful sister in Christ. The study is called "Walk this Way" and you can listen to it this summer at www.MerryMinistries.com If you are a local friend, I expect you there. If not, do listen online. I will be studying and praying more than usual this summer as we embark in this amazing journey through God's word with the help of the Holy Spirit.
I wonder if you have considered the fact that this is a good time to focus on your goals. January is gone but God is a present help today and He loves you for who you are, just where you are.
Look for updates on these goals a few times this year and I will count on your prayers and encouragement, deal?
Have an amazing day!
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