Priorities, Running again and Singing all the Time

Friday, February 10, 2017

Hey friends! Happy Friday! I pray you had a great week! I certainly have. I can't tell you a single "impressive" thing to share other than this: this week I kept my priorities straight. 

I am learning that time management is an art and when I keep my priorities in straight, everything else works. 
I can't possibly do everything so I decided to focus on the things that I can do: love my God, my husband and my children. Everything else certainly falls in the right place when I focus on God and family. 

This week I resumed running. This was the longest break I've taken in the past 5 years. I decided to listen to sound advice and recover well. I took a lot of walks, I started weight lifting again (yes!) and this week running came back to the mix. I love running and I am glad that now that I am back my body is fully recovered from the marathon. Running is for fun, to clear my head before the day begins, running is a gift that I gratefully enjoy. I am eager to see where running will take me this year - as well as where I will take my running! 

I am doing well with the Bible in One Year Reading. I was ahead one day now I'm right where I am supposed to be. It's quite the challenge to make sure I get it done but is is so worth it. The Bible in One Year is just reading. Bible Study is what we do at and I am also studying the Bible at Bible College (Bible Study Methods). I am more and more in love with the Bible and with the God of the Bible thanks to my decision to study this amazing Book! I am learning a lot about how to study the Bible or as Paul called it "rightly dividing the word of truth." I was done with school until this year and I am honestly not trying to get another degree. I am studying for the love of God who called me to be His servant. I'm half way through the semester and so far, it's been great! 

I had a chance to lead worship last Sunday at church and I really enjoyed the presence of God with my church family. I was super busy with running races last Fall so I missed church quite a bit. I always look for Saturday races which are rare but they are out there. Singing is a bit part of who I am so I am always thankful for any opportunity I get to sing and no, I don't need a mic to feel like it makes a difference. God is worthy or my song, thus I sing. Life is worth living, thus I sing. I am happy, therefore I sing. 

My last few blog posts were about homemaking and getting things done when we're overwhelmed. I am following my own advice and thank God things haven't been chaotic. I guess I'm at a place where I know what my priorities are and even when time is tight, I can pick what matters most and wait for another day to get everything else done in my list. 

I hope you are doing well and I pray that you can focus on your priorities my friend. I will see you next time!