70 Days

Monday, October 22, 2018

70 out of 365. This is how long we have left in the year 2018. The natural question is, what have I done? The real question is: what can we accomplish in 70 days? 

Take a good look at the following areas:

Your goals - this is a good time to reassess them and make steps towards closing the year strong. I will admit that looking at the goals I set in January make me uneasy. I quickly get over those feelings because the only way to make progress is to start from where you are. I encourage you to take small steps. I am here to remind you that one year from now, you will be so glad you decided to persist. 

Your schedule - the major holidays are coming soon. Take an honest look at your schedule from last year. If you felt like you needed a hospital stay in order to recover, you may need to change your commitments for this year. Think about how you want to feel this holiday season. Your schedule has a lot to do with your well-being. You can't attend and host every get-together and feel well. Be honest with yourself. Prioritize your family and your health. "No" is a complete sentence you can use it often.  

Your family - how can you invest in your family in the next 70 days? Let's be honest: when it comes down to eternity, you are forever connected with the family God gave you. We are all in different seasons of family life. Every family member can use encouragement. Don't wait until the holiday season to exchange pleasantries with difficult relatives. Forgive now and pray for God's best. If you have small kids and volunteer responsibilities are stealing your time with them, reconsider your commitments. 

Your faith - there is a natural aspect to our faith journey. God encourages us to seek Him. It is up to us to pray, read our Bibles and practice other spiritual disciplines. Don't wait until everyone decides in January that it is appropriate to fast. Don't wait until one of your friends starts a Bible study. Decide to take responsibility for your own faith journey. 

Don't complicate your schedule for the next 70 days. Time is going to pass anyway. You can't control time but you can control yourself. Take a good look at your goals, schedule, family, and faith. I believe you will accomplish a lot of worthy things as you finish 2018.