“O ladrão vem somente para roubar, matar e destruir; eu vim para que tenham vida e tenham em abundância.” João 10:10
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10 (NKJV)
Hoje é o dia das bruxas aqui nos Estados Unidos. Há tempo que o comércio está se preparando. Quando andamos de carro, vemos casas, e até bairros inteiros decorados com símbolos demoníacos.
Today is Halloween here in the US. Commerce has been getting ready for a while. When we drive through our hometown, we see homes and even neighborhoods decorated with demonic symbols.
Today is Halloween here in the US. Commerce has been getting ready for a while. When we drive through our hometown, we see homes and even neighborhoods decorated with demonic symbols.
O interessante de morar aqui é que a gente vê que o Americano não vê nada de errado com isso. Minha experiência no Brasil me ensinou que há forças espirituais lutando por Almas. Aqui nessa Cultura, tudo é tratado como se fosse conto de fadas.
The interesting thing is that many Americans don't see any problems with that. My upbringing as a Christian has taught me that there is a spiritual battle for souls. Halloween here in this culture is treated as a fairy tale, not a spiritual reality.
The interesting thing is that many Americans don't see any problems with that. My upbringing as a Christian has taught me that there is a spiritual battle for souls. Halloween here in this culture is treated as a fairy tale, not a spiritual reality.
Eu sempre falo pra minha família que o Diabo não sabe brincar. A missão dele é de roubar, matar e destruir. Ele usa essa percepção falsa da Cultura para alcançar os objetivos dele.
I teach my family that the Devil does not play. His mission is to steal, kill and destroy. He uses this false perception that halloween is 'not a big deal,' to reach his objectives.
I teach my family that the Devil does not play. His mission is to steal, kill and destroy. He uses this false perception that halloween is 'not a big deal,' to reach his objectives.
O que eu vejo por aqui, é que desde a infância, a pessoa trata as forças do inferno como brincadeira. O Diabo não sabe brincar e cria laços de influência na vida da pessoa. A Pessoa vai crescendo amarrada pelos laços do Diabo. Quando vai perceber que há um problema, ela corre pra tudo quanto é tipo de socorro. Graças a Deus, muitas delas vem pra Jesus.
What I noticed is that here in this culture, people grow up treating the forces of hell as fairy tale. The problem is that the Devil does not play, so he influences a person's life as early as he can. A person continues to live under that oppression. Many notice at some point and they seek any type of help. Thank God for Jesus, a very present help.
What I noticed is that here in this culture, people grow up treating the forces of hell as fairy tale. The problem is that the Devil does not play, so he influences a person's life as early as he can. A person continues to live under that oppression. Many notice at some point and they seek any type of help. Thank God for Jesus, a very present help.
Depois de 20 anos aqui, eu aprendi a não julgar as pessoas. Oração e intercessão é a resposta. A educação bíblica também ajuda muito. Uma das minhas professoras de estudo bíblico nos ensinaram o que a Bíblia diz sobre a influência demôniaca na Cultura Americana. Glórias a Deus por pessoas que como ela, nos ajudam a crescer na fé.
I've been living in the States for 20 years and I have learned not to judge people. The key is prayer and intercession. Bible education is also a good answer. One of my Bible teachers has a series of teachings on what the Bible has to say about demonic influence in the culture. I thank God for people who like my teacher, help us to grow in the faith.
I've been living in the States for 20 years and I have learned not to judge people. The key is prayer and intercession. Bible education is also a good answer. One of my Bible teachers has a series of teachings on what the Bible has to say about demonic influence in the culture. I thank God for people who like my teacher, help us to grow in the faith.
Quando eu e o meu marido tivemos filhos, nós decidimos que não íamos participar de Halloween. Eu explico sempre pras crianças que eles podem vestir as fantasias que eles tem o ano todo. Eu sempre explico que no primeiro mundo, não há falta de doce. Se eles quiserem doce, podemos comprar, e que seja doce bom (o povo dá tanta porcaria pra criança...).
When my husband and I became parents, we decided not to participate in Halloween. I always tell the kids that they can play dress up all year. I also explain that we live in the first world, where there isn't a shortage of anything, especially candy. If they want candy, we can buy good candy. I noticed a lot of bad quality candy is given to kids this time of year.
When my husband and I became parents, we decided not to participate in Halloween. I always tell the kids that they can play dress up all year. I also explain that we live in the first world, where there isn't a shortage of anything, especially candy. If they want candy, we can buy good candy. I noticed a lot of bad quality candy is given to kids this time of year.
Meus filhos sentem a que há uma grande diferença na atmosfera espiritual. Quando a presença de Deus é manifesta, há Paz, alegria, gozo no Espírito Santo. Quando a presença demoníaca está presente, eles sentem medo. Eu acho importante que os meus filhos saibam essa a diferença espiritual.
We encourage our children know that there is a difference in the spiritual atmosphere. If the presence of God is in the atmosphere, there is peace, joy in the Holy Spirit. When there's a demonic influence in the atmosphere, the kids feel fear. I find it important that kids can identify different spiritual atmospheres.
We encourage our children know that there is a difference in the spiritual atmosphere. If the presence of God is in the atmosphere, there is peace, joy in the Holy Spirit. When there's a demonic influence in the atmosphere, the kids feel fear. I find it important that kids can identify different spiritual atmospheres.
O que fazer com a Cultura? A Bíblia diz que estamos no mundo mas não somos dele. Nossa cidadania é celeste. Desde pequenos, estamos ensinando isso pros nossos filhos.
So, what do we do with this culture? We are in this world but not of it. Our citizenship is in heaven. We have been teaching this to our kids since they were little.
So, what do we do with this culture? We are in this world but not of it. Our citizenship is in heaven. We have been teaching this to our kids since they were little.
Hoje a noite, vamos pra Igreja. Já os levei pra festivais de outono mas nunca pra comemorações de Halloween.
Tonight, we are going to church. In the past, I have taken them to Fall festivals but never to Halloween celebrations.
Tonight, we are going to church. In the past, I have taken them to Fall festivals but never to Halloween celebrations.
Eu aprendi com uma mentora, que se eu estiver em casa, vamos dar doce bom pras crianças que aparecerem (Jesus não é pão-duro). Ela também dá um folhetinho falando que Jesus tem poder para libertar do medo. Achei uma idéia legal. É como se você dissesse: não vou te julgar, mas vou te falar de Jesus.
I've learned from a mentor that if I'm ever at home for Halloween, I should give good candy to the kids who may come to our home. We don't want to give them the impression that Jesus is stingy. She also gives out a kid friendly piece of paper speaking about Jesus and how He can set them free from fear. I really like this idea because it is as if you are saying, I won't judge you and I will tell you about Jesus.
I've learned from a mentor that if I'm ever at home for Halloween, I should give good candy to the kids who may come to our home. We don't want to give them the impression that Jesus is stingy. She also gives out a kid friendly piece of paper speaking about Jesus and how He can set them free from fear. I really like this idea because it is as if you are saying, I won't judge you and I will tell you about Jesus.
Eu não sei se você comemora o dia das bruxas ou Halloween. O meu conselho é:
I'm not sure if you celebrate Halloween or not. Here's my advice:
I'm not sure if you celebrate Halloween or not. Here's my advice:
Vamos conhecer as escrituras. Não espere alguém ter tempo de te ensinar. Leia as palavras de Deus por si mesmo.
Know the Scriptures. Don't wait for someone else to educate you. Read God's words with your own eyes.
Know the Scriptures. Don't wait for someone else to educate you. Read God's words with your own eyes.
Vamos obedecer o que lemos. Não vamos ser como aquela pessoa que Tiago 1:24 menciona. Aquele que ouve a palavra e não pratica, é como alguém que olha no espelho e se esquece da sua aparência. Um exemplo que eu compartilho sempre é que a Bíblia é um espelho. Todo espelho requere uma ação. Vamos reagir ao que lemos com obediência.
Let's obey what we read. Let's not be like that person in James 1:24. That person who hears the word and does not obey it, they are like someone who looks in the mirror and forgets their own appearance. Every mirror requires an action. Let's react with obedience to the Bible.
Let's obey what we read. Let's not be like that person in James 1:24. That person who hears the word and does not obey it, they are like someone who looks in the mirror and forgets their own appearance. Every mirror requires an action. Let's react with obedience to the Bible.
Vamos orar pelo mundo. Tem muita gente perdida aqui. Vamos orar porque Jesus é o único caminho.
Let's pray for the world. There are a lot of lost people here. Let's pray because Jesus is the only way.
Let's pray for the world. There are a lot of lost people here. Let's pray because Jesus is the only way.
Continuem orando por nós aqui. Estou sempre orando por vocês. Um abraço!
Please keep us in your prayers. We are always praying for you. Hugs!
Please keep us in your prayers. We are always praying for you. Hugs!
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