Holiday season calendar control

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Now is the time to make one of the most important decisions of the holiday season: what goes on your calendar. 

Remember: You decide what goes on your schedule. No one forces you to manually write down 15 events in one weekend (slight exaggeration but you get my point). You are in control of your schedule.

You are also in control of the type of answer to invitations. You have two options: yes or no. Use these options wisely and to your advantage.

You made your schedule last year so think about how exhausted you were for extra motivation. If your answer to "how are you?" during the holiday was "tired" or "crazy busy" followed by a grunt, let those arousing feelings motivate you to include a lot more downtime in your schedule. I know you don't want to disappoint folk. The truth is, a rested you is a better you.

You will make your schedule so include margin and downtime in it. Stick with your resolution to declutter your schedule. Start with the end in mind. During the holidays, my goal is to attend X amount of events per week.

Be brave and decide what is your main goal for the holidays. Is it to run around like a chicken with the head cut off (I've seen this in real life. Story for another day) or is it to enjoy family and friends? You can’t please everyone but you can please Christ by focusing on what's important.