My Goal Setting Process

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Today, I want to share my goal-setting process with you. It is that time of year when we dream about what the next year could be. We do it by writing our goals and putting them to work as soon as the new year arrives. My process is simple, I simply work with my Head, Hand and Heart.

Head - I have the habit of reflecting on the previous year. After that, I ask myself, “what do I want to be most thankful for one year from now?”

Hand - I write my goals in pen and paper. There is something significant that happens when I transfer the ideas I have in my head to paper. The goal is to have a record of what you want to accomplish.

Heart - I have learned that the heart is the battlefield. I can win or lose the fight to reach my goals there. I guard my heart because the issues of life flow from it. I find a lot of barriers can be overcome if I guard my heart.

I understand that writing a goal seems to be the easy part. Working on that goal until you reach it, that’s difficult. Next time, I will write about strategies to keep making progress.

I encourage you to write your goals for 2019 if you haven't yet!